2024-25 Meeting Documents
School Governance Council Meeting Documents
Each meeting of the School Governance Council typically generates three public documents: an agenda; a brief summary of action items that occurred during the meeting; and a detailed set of meeting minutes. We will display these documents on our website for the current school year, along with those from the previous year. If you need to view older documents, please contact our School Governance & Flexibility Department at schoolgovernance@fultonschools.org.
- August 2024
- September 2024
- October 2024
- November 2024
- December 2024
- January 2025
- February 2025
- March 2025
- April 2025
- May 2025
August 2024
North Springs High School Governance Council
8/15/2024 | 4:30 pm | North Springs HS Media Center
SGC Members
Scott Hanson, Principal
Elected Parents: Shanna Ward, Jennifer Gorgoll, LaCretia Plane
Elected Teachers: Nicole Motahari + 1 TBD
Appointed School Employees: Betsey Martin, Gina Reiman
Appointed Community Members: Jenn Lott + 1 TBD
Students: Jayden Austin, Layla Frazier
Guest: Miriam Salpeter
4:33 Action Item: Call to Order Mr. Hanson
4:33 Action Item: Approve Agenda Mr Hanson
Motion: Lott
Second: Motahari
Unanimous approval
4:31 Action Item: Approve May Meeting Minutes Mr. Hanson
Motion: Gorgoll
Second: Lott
Unanimous approval
4:33 Discussion Item: Member introductions:
LaCretia Plane, Jayden Austin, Nicole Motahari, Jenn Lott, Scott Hanson, Jen Gorgoll, Miriam Salpeter guest, Shanna Ward
4:36 Action Item: Elect New Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Parliamentarian) Mr. Hanson
Chair – Jen Gorgoll
Vice Chair – Shanna Ward
Parliamentarian – Jenn Lott
Motion: Motahari
Second: Plane
Unanimous approval
4:40 Action Item: Staff Standing Committee
(Budget/Finance, Outreach/Communications, Principal Selection) Chair
Budget and Finance Chair: LaCretia Plane
Outreach/Communications Chair: Tabled Until September meeting
Principal Selection Chair: Tabled Until September meeting
Motion: Lott
Second: Motahari
Unanimous approval
4:43 Confirm Parent/Community and
Student Superintendent Advisory Council Representative Chair
Jayden Austin from FBLA and Phoenix Rivera from BSA are confirmed members for 24-25
Shanna Ward will serve as parent liaison
There are two SGC spots open (one community member and one teacher) to be filled by Hanson by Sept meeting
4:50 Discussion Item: Determine Meeting Schedule for 24-25 Chair
Meeting schedule confirmed as second Thursday each month 4:30 pm
4:55 Discussion Item: Strategic Planning Mr. Hanson
FCS is rolling out a different strategic plan model is being rolled out effective January 2025 and will be year to year. Hanson built a Semester Action Plan with measurable data points which will be shared in September meeting.
New FCS mission and vision reimaging – instead of 3 big ideas (relationships and routines, tier 1 instructions (academic instruction going on in building) and interventions new focus will be on:
Deepen community connections
Enhance performance for all students
Prioritize safety and operational efficiency
Ensure impactful programming
Strengthen employee engagement
Utilize fiscal resources effectively
SGC will review new Strategic Plan and will be asked for input.
5:30 Discussion item: Principal’s Update Mr. Hanson
Projected enrollment was 1,260. Current enrollment as of 9 days into school year is 1,202. SGC would like a report of where students who left NS since 23-24 are now enrolled. Discussion about reasons such as transportation issues, Sandy Springs prices, attrition due to moving out of city or state, construction, curriculum.
Curriculum rollout will be handled by Dr Kersey as Yalanda Bell is now at PCI. College and career academy details need to be finalized soon or won’t be ready to roll out next year.
Former magnet program/name TBD also needs to be finalized very soon so that NS staff and families/community can focus on recruitment of prospective student for 25-26. Other area principals will be allowing NS staff to recruit for 25-26.
If enrollment stays down as of 10 Day Count Hanson will use budget to retain a teacher.
Groundbreaking 8/27. New building schedule is on track and still being built for FTE 1,500 students. 100% documents are due in October and bid requests go out January 2025.
SGC budget will be known by September meeting. SGC budget committee will meet prior to SGC September meeting and will present recommendations on how budget should be allocated. Members agree that focus on marketing and college/career prep was a good use of funds in 23-24.
5:55 Discussion Item: Next Meeting’s Agenda Chair
Curriculum rollout plan and timeline for
College and Career Academy and former magnet program.
Names finalized
Rollout of recruitment timeline to prospective families
Building update
Building enhancements update
Building a confirmed list of items that come with the building
Select Marketing and Outreach Chair and Principal Selection Chair
Discussion and vote on SGC budget items
Vendor recommendations for SGC budget items
6:15 Action Item: Adjourn Chair
Motion: Motahari
Second: Plane
Unanimous approval
Meeting Norms
Silence phones | Be respectful of others’ opinions | Work for the good of all students
* Action items: All action items require a motion, a second and a vote
* Discussion items: These are agenda items and do not require a vote.
* Informational items: These items do not require a vote.
September 2024
September Agenda
School: North Springs High School
Date: 09/12/2024
Time: 4:30PM
Location: Media Center
TEAMS Link (if applicable):
SGC Members:
Principal: Scott Hanson
Elected Parents: Jennifer Gorgoll, LaCretia Plane, Shanna Ward
Elected Teachers: Nicole Motahari + 1 TBD
Appointed School Employees: Gina Reiman, Betsey Martin
Appointed Community Members: Jenn Lott + 1 TBD
Students: Jayden Austin, Phoenix Rivera
4:30PM Call to Order (Chair)
4:32PM Action Item: Approve Agenda (Chair)
4:34PM Action Item: Approve August Minutes (Chair)
4:40PM Action Item: Finalize Council Staffing (Chair)
4:45PM Discussion Item: SGC Council Development Opportunities (Officer Training and Cross Council) ** (All Members)
4:50PM Discussion Item: Determine SY24-25 Council Norms (All Members)
5:00PM Discussion Item: Review 2024 Council Self-Assessment and Create Initiatives*** (All Members)
5:10PM Discussion Item: Strategic Planning**** (All Members) See page 2 for more detailed information
5:25PM Informational Item: Principal’s Update (Principal)
A. Potential School Staffing Changes
B. Shifts in District Policy or School Practices
C. Calendar of Upcoming School Events
D. Building Update
5:35PM Discussion Item: Charter Dollar Expenditure Proposals (Chair)
5:45PM Public Comment. We allow for a maximum of 5 people to provide public comment. Each public comment shall be limited to 2 minutes. A signup sheet will be provided at the meeting. The first five people to arrive will be allowed to provide public comments.
5:55PM Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting’s Agenda (All Members)
6:00PM Action Item: Meeting Adjournment (Chair)
Meeting Norms: Silence Phones, Be Respectful of Others’ Opinions, Work for the good of all Students
Notes and Reminders
* Finalizing Council Staffing: Please ensure all member updates have been submitted to the Governance & Flexibility Team using the Council Information Form.
** SGC Council Development Opportunities:
Reminder that all new members must complete New Member Onboarding and council officers are expected to attend Officer Training. See the Training Sessions tab of the Charter System website for more information.
Officer Training (Required for All Council Officers)
Our Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Parliamentarians serve as leaders on their councils and liaisons within their communities. This training will offer our officers the opportunity to learn from the Governance Team and each other about council responsibilities and tactics for focusing the work of their teams on the strategic vision of their school.
Cross Council Opportunities
The Governance Team is excited to share with you that we will be hosting a series of Cross Council meetings meant to support SGCs with the task of aligning their work for the school year to the strategic goals and initiatives of their specific school as well as those of the district. These sessions will offer members the opportunity to work and hear from councils around the district and engage in discussions with the Governance & Flexibility Team. The meetings will take place in-person at the dates/times/locations below. We encourage all SGCs to select up to two members to attend one of the sessions and register to attend using the links below. Note, each session will cover similar content, so your team does not need to register for multiple sessions.
*** SY24-25 Council Initiatives: Begin discussions to determine the focus of the council’s upcoming work. Lean on your school’s Semester Action Plan to ensure the work of the council is aligned with the goals and initiatives being targeted by the school leaders. Task the council with prioritizing 1 – 2 initiatives the SGC could lead or support throughout the year.
****Strategic Planning (September)
As we embark on the second month of the 2024-2025 school year, we encourage your continued dedication to the development and implementation of your school’s Strategic Action Plan. Your vital role in shaping the future of your school community cannot be overstated.
To ensure timely submission and alignment with district goals, please note the following critical dates and resources:
- Strategic Action Plan Submission Deadline: November 1, 2024
- SGC Approval Requirement: A majority vote of the SGC is necessary before plan submission.
- Supporting Resources: A wealth of tools and templates are available on the Charter System Resources website to assist in the planning process.
To maximize the impact of your council’s involvement, we recommend the following discussion points for your September meeting:
- Deep Dive into the Strategic Action Plan Form: A thorough understanding of the online form is essential for effective plan development.
- Metric Selection: Identify the key performance indicator that will measure progress towards each Strategic Plan Goal.
- High-Level Action Identification: Determine the overarching steps necessary to achieve the selected metrics.
Your engagement in the strategic planning process is instrumental to the success of your school. We look forward to supporting your efforts and celebrating your accomplishments.
September MINUTES for distribution
School: North Springs High School
Date: 09/12/2024
Time: 4:30PM
Location: Media Center
TEAMS Link (if applicable):
SGC Members:
Principal: Scott Hanson
Elected Parents: Jennifer Gorgoll, LaCretia Plane, Shanna Ward
Elected Teachers: Nicole Motahari + 1 TBD
Appointed School Employees: Gina Reiman, Betsey Martin
Appointed Community Members: Jenn Lott + 1 TBD
Students: Jayden Austin, Phoenix Rivera
Guests: Tanya Squire, Flor Mauricio-Santos, Miriam Salpeter
4:30PM Call to Order (Chair)
4:31PM Action Item: Approve Agenda (Chair)
Motion: Reiman
Second: Ward
Uninimous approval
4:32PM Action Item: Approve August Minutes (Chair)
Motion: Lott
Second: Ward
Uninimous approval
4:33PM Action Item: Finalize Council Staffing (Chair)
We have one open spot for second elected teacher and one open spot for second appointed community member.
Hanson will appoint a teacher for the open teacher spot vacated when Mr. Smith left NS.
Miriam Salpeter was suggested to fill the community member vacancy.
Motion: Lott
Second: Reiman
Unanimous Approval
4:36PM Discussion Item: SGC Council Development Opportunities (Officer Training and Cross Council) ** (All Members)
Officer training is 9/23 from 9 – 11 am @ North Learning Center or 9/26 from 9 – 11 am at the Admin building.
SGC members would like to attend Cross Council meetings but the only dates for high schools in our area are on Jewish High Holy Days 10/2 from 5 – 7 pm @ AHS or an elementary-focused cross council training 10/3 from 9 – 11 am.
Ward will inquire about other date options from Gina Foster.
4:40PM Discussion Item: Determine SY24-25 Council Norms (All Members)
Meeting Norms adopted: Silence Phones, Be Respectful of Others’ Opinions, Work for the good of all Students
4:43PM Discussion Item: Review 2024 Council Self-Assessment and Create Initiatives*** (All Members)
SGC initiatives: Marketing NS to the Sandy Springs and surrounding Fulton County communities, college and career planning, and recruitment and retention of students. The council will continue to use SGC funds effectively with a recommendation to allot funds to marketing, college and career, and principal discretionary fund. The college and career readiness initiative aligns with the Semester Action Plan initiative.
SGC’s role in the Strategic Action Plan and the Semester Action Plan are not an SGC focus.
Semester Action Plan for Fall 2024 semester focuses on Relationships and Routines (reduce chronic absences by 10%), Tier One Instruction (engage in PLC work for engagement of all students), and Interventions (increase pass rate for algebra by 3%).
The Council iniative on College and Career
5:15PM Discussion Item: Strategic Planning**** (All Members) See page 2 for more detailed information
November 1 is the deadline for submission of the Strategic Plan. It will be presented to Bates first, then will be presented to the SGC at the October meeting for feedback.
Budget committee met and recommends SGC utilize the $46,391 for discretionary needs identified by the principal, for meetings with a college and career counselor to ready students for college and career paths, and for marketing to increase our presence in the community so people choose North Springs over neighboring high school choices.
5:30PM Informational Item: Principal’s Update (Principal)
A. Potential School Staffing Changes – NS didn’t lose any positions but did lose the funds set aside to fund one position.
B. Shifts in District Policy or School Practices
a. NS has maintained access to Narcan and Epipens since 2016 in the building.
b. NS will begin having a medical drill every quarter.
c. NS only has one entrance in the mornings and Hanson and other admin stand at the entrance to greet students individually each day.
d. NS has been using Centegix badges for 18 months.
e. NS will have the portable metal detectors in the building at some point this school year for 3-4 days to raise awareness.
C. Calendar of Upcoming School Events – Homecoming is this weekend. Pep Rally is 2:30 pm Friday. Game is Friday at 7:30 hosted by Centennial. The dance will be Saturday from 7-11 pm in the NS gym. The Homecoming Court will be presented at the dance since bad weather is expected at the game.
D. Building Update –
a. The building is on schedule. Stage one should be complete by January as dirt moving is almost complete, on site retention area is done.
b. Building drawings will be complete by October 31 and will be final at that time.
c. Building packages will go out in January for a 30 day bid. Board is expected to approve by March and vertical build should begin by May/June 2025.
5:41PM Discussion Item: Charter Dollar Expenditure Proposals (Chair)
Budget chair Plane proposed that charter dollars be divided among marketing, college and career help, and needs identified by the principal. The total is $46,391.
Any funds over $10,500 must have competitive bids to the county using the FCS requirements for bid acquisition. Bid requests should list a maximum budget so bidders can manage expectations of scope of the project.
Updated marketing job description was proposed and adopted by SGC.
Proposal was made to allocate $46,391 as such:
1/3 to principal discretionary fund totalling $15,463.67.
2/3 to be split among:
A) $5,000 to hire college and career counselor who will split hours between 2025 Super Achieving Spartans and the 2025 class. Leftover monies into 2026 will allow class of 2026 SAS and the 2026 class to participate.
B) $20,927.33 to $22,927.33 to hire a marketing professional to fulfill marketing initiatives as outlined in adopted job description.
C) $3,000-$5,000 in marketing materials to be used for recruiting students from SSCMS and other surrounding schools to North Springs.
The total is not to exceed $46,391.
Ward will speak with bookkeeper Lisa Shiflett when she returns next week to facilitate the bid process as time is of the essence for marketing/recruitment and for college and career needs.
Motion: Lott
Second: Reiman
Unanimous approval
5:55PM Public Comment. We allow for a maximum of 5 people to provide public comment. Each public comment shall be limited to 2 minutes. A signup sheet will be provided at the meeting. The first five people to arrive will be allowed to provide public comments.
Tonya Squire public comment: As a new 9th grade parent, she would have benefitted from having Curriculum Night. She emailed Hanson her concerns. She would also like to see the new Strategic Action Plan published on the website when it is announced. She would love to have a 9th grade information night still planned.
Flor Mauricio-Santos public comment: As a NS parent and NS alumnus herself, she also wishes there had been a Curriculum Night. She remembers 9th Grade Camp held before school started where the parents had meetings and the students did a school clean up and would like to see that return. If there is a 9th grade Info night planned by Kelly Olson as part of Freshman Academy she would definitely attend.
6:10PM Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting’s Agenda (All Members)
Recruitment for next year from SSCMS and all north and south Fulton middle schools and neighboring schools.
Continuing Landreau’s focus on Internal recruitment to the magnet programs which increased by 70 from last year.
Bid process complete for marketing professional and for college/career professional
Curriculum update
Building update
Update on cross council date changes
6:20PM Action Item: Meeting Adjournment (Chair)
Motion: Reiman
Second: Martin
Meeting Norms: Silence Phones, Be Respectful of Others’ Opinions, Work for the good of all Students
Notes and Reminders
* Finalizing Council Staffing: Please ensure all member updates have been submitted to the Governance & Flexibility Team using the Council Information Form.
** SGC Council Development Opportunities:
Reminder that all new members must complete New Member Onboarding and council officers are expected to attend Officer Training. See the Training Sessions tab of the Charter System website for more information.
Officer Training (Required for All Council Officers)
Our Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Parliamentarians serve as leaders on their councils and liaisons within their communities. This training will offer our officers the opportunity to learn from the Governance Team and each other about council responsibilities and tactics for focusing the work of their teams on the strategic vision of their school.
Cross Council Opportunities
The Governance Team is excited to share with you that we will be hosting a series of Cross Council meetings meant to support SGCs with the task of aligning their work for the school year to the strategic goals and initiatives of their specific school as well as those of the district. These sessions will offer members the opportunity to work and hear from councils around the district and engage in discussions with the Governance & Flexibility Team. The meetings will take place in-person at the dates/times/locations below. We encourage all SGCs to select up to two members to attend one of the sessions and register to attend using the links below. Note, each session will cover similar content, so your team does not need to register for multiple sessions.
*** SY24-25 Council Initiatives: Begin discussions to determine the focus of the council’s upcoming work. Lean on your school’s Semester Action Plan to ensure the work of the council is aligned with the goals and initiatives being targeted by the school leaders. Task the council with prioritizing 1 – 2 initiatives the SGC could lead or support throughout the year.
****Strategic Planning (September)
As we embark on the second month of the 2024-2025 school year, we encourage your continued dedication to the development and implementation of your school’s Strategic Action Plan. Your vital role in shaping the future of your school community cannot be overstated.
To ensure timely submission and alignment with district goals, please note the following critical dates and resources:
- Strategic Action Plan Submission Deadline: November 1, 2024
- SGC Approval Requirement: A majority vote of the SGC is necessary before plan submission.
- Supporting Resources: A wealth of tools and templates are available on the Charter System Resources website to assist in the planning process.
To maximize the impact of your council’s involvement, we recommend the following discussion points for your September meeting:
- Deep Dive into the Strategic Action Plan Form: A thorough understanding of the online form is essential for effective plan development.
- Metric Selection: Identify the key performance indicator that will measure progress towards each Strategic Plan Goal.
- High-Level Action Identification: Determine the overarching steps necessary to achieve the selected metrics.
Your engagement in the strategic planning process is instrumental to the success of your school. We look forward to supporting your efforts and celebrating your accomplishments.
October 2024
North Springs High School Governance Council
10/10/2024 | 4:30 pm | North Springs HS Media Center
SGC Members
Scott Hanson, Principal
Elected Parents: Shanna Ward, Jennifer Gorgoll, LaCretia Plane
Elected Teachers: Nicole Motahari + 1 TBD
Appointed School Employees: Betsey Martin, Gina Reiman
Appointed Community Members: Jenn Lott + Miriam Salpeter
Students: Jayden Austin, Layla Frazier
4:35PM: Action Item: Call to order
4:35PM: Action Item: Amend agenda: Charter Dollar Expenditure has already been voted on
4:36PM: Action Item: Approve agenda (Reiman motion and Salpeter 2nd), All approved
4:36PM: Action Item: Approve Sept minutes Martin motioned, Motahari (2nd), All approved
4:37PM: Discussion Item: Council initiatives and semester action plan
4:40PM: Action Item: Review of SGC website for compliance
4:42PM: Discussion Item: Debrief of Fall Cross Council meeting
4:51PM: Discussion Item: Discuss Strategic Plan – Mr Hanson reviewed plan and goals
5:16PM: Action Item: Vote on Strategic plan (Reiman motion, Martin 2nd), all in favor
5:20PM: Discussion Item: Principal’s Update
6:00PM: Discussion Item: Draft meeting agenda for next time: touching Base on marketing meeting; Curriculum discussion
6:02PM Action Item: Motahari motions to dismiss, Reiman 2nd
North Springs High School Governance Council
10/10/2024 | 4:30 pm | North Springs HS Media Center
SGC Members
Scott Hanson, Principal
Elected Parents: Shanna Ward, Jennifer Gorgoll, LaCretia Plane
Elected Teachers: Nicole Motahari + 1 TBD
Appointed School Employees: Betsey Martin, Gina Reiman
Appointed Community Members: Jenn Lott + Miriam Salpeter
Students: Jayden Austin, Layla Frazier
4:35 Call to order
4:35 Motion to amend agenda: Charter Dollar Expenditure has been voted on, it was a typo (Motahari makes a motion, Martin 2nd) All approve
4:36 Motion to approve agenda (Reiman motion and Salpeter 2nd), All approved
4:36 Motion to approve Sept minutes Martin motioned, Motahari (2nd), All approved
Council initiatives and semester action plan
- Marketing
- 3 Bids have been received and will be reviewed by district, then final decision will be left up to Mr.Hanson
4:40 Review of SGC website for compliance
-May minutes came in late, so we did not have a summary of action
4:42 debrief of Fall Cross Council meeting- 15 different schools were there,1-2 members from each school
Ideas were exchanged re: charter dollars and school focus
- Our school focuses a lot of community impact and marketing our school, however as a whole, it appears the area of least focus is teachers
- Science Teacher at the cross-council meeting suggested ‘The Gift of Time’, where a substitute covers to allow teachers to plan, while this might not be a perfect fit for NSHS because we have strong PLC support, the gift of time might look very different
- PBIS was also mentioned, but we already do this at the school level and have allocated Principal Dollars for this that is supportive of PBIS
4:51 Strategic Plan
Timeline of the plan -Submission deadline, November 1st
Mr. Hanson already has this filled out
Strategic Plan goals:
● Enhance Performance for all Students
○ Milestone proficiency as growth metric
○ Current performance: 79.3%, Performance Target, 82.3%
● Prioritize Safety and operational efficiency
● Ensure impactful programming
● Strengthen Workforce Engagement
● Utilize fiscal resources effectively
● Deepen community connections
It is suggested that the role of public relations should be a single person versus dividing that up
5:16 -Vote on Strategic plan (Reiman motion, Martin 2nd), all in favor
5:20: Principal Update
-Our graduation rate has gone up .8%, 10th straight year we beat district
-Now that normalcy is coming back, we are recovering
-NSHS has super high SAT growth- we went from 992 combined to 1011 combined and we increased the number that are testing- we had 173 seniors taking the SAT in class
-FCS is still working to find a collaborating partner for the Accelerated Career Diploma
-We are working to pivot, and FCS has reached out to Chattahoochee tech, who are closer and very receptive to the concept- now it is a balancing act to figure out how to take advantage of Chattahoochee and Gwinnett Tech both
-Open enrollment timeframe has been adjusted to be from December-January
-Jumpstart does not have to happen in 9th grade
5:40 North springs will be going to SSCMS
5:50 We are getting a new counselor- she begins October 28th
6:00 Draft meeting agenda for next time: touching Base on marketing meeting
Curriculum discussion
6:02 PM Motahari motions to dismiss, Reiman 2nd
November 2024
November Agenda
School: North Springs High School
Date: 11/14/2024
Time: 4:30PM
Location: Media Center
TEAMS Link (if applicable):
SGC Members:
Principal: Scott Hanson
Elected Parents: Jennifer Gorgoll, LaCretia Plane, Shanna Ward
Elected Teachers: Nicole Motahari + 1 TBD
Appointed School Employees: Gina Reiman, Betsey Martin
Appointed Community Members: Jenn Lott + Miriam Salpeter
Students: Jayden Austin, Phoenix Rivera
4:30PM Call to Order (Chair)
4:32PM Action Item: Approve Agenda (Chair)
4:35PM Action Item: Approve October Minutes (Chair)
4:37PM Discussion Item: Review SGC Website Audit Results* (All Members)
4:45PM Discussion Item: Elected Teacher Spot (All Members)
4:50PM Informational Item: Superintendent Advisory Council Update (Advisory Council Representative)
5:00PM Discussion Item: Strategic Planning** (All Members)
A. Review Feedback
B. Monitor Progress
5:15PM Discussion Item: Charter Dollar Expenditure Update (All Members)
5:25PM Discussion Item: Discussion regarding VAF submittal for the magnet program (All Members)
5:35PM Action Item: Vote on the VAF submittal for the magnet program (All Members)
5:40PM Informational Item: Principal’s Update (Principal)
5:55PM Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting’s Agenda (All Members)
6:00PM Action Item: Meeting Adjournment (Chair)
Meeting Norms: Silence Phones, Be Respectful of Others’ Opinions, Work for the good of all Students
Notes and Reminders
*SGC Website Audits
Each school year, the Governance & Flexibility Team periodically performs website audits to ensure all School Governance Councils throughout the district are in compliance with Georgia Open Records and Meetings laws. These audits require councils to post information related, but not limited to the following:
· Date, Time, Place/Access Instructions for all Meetings
· Council Documentation (Minutes, Agendas, Summaries of Action)
· Council Roster, Term-End Dates, FCS E-mail Addresses
· Officer and Committee Information
The Governance & Flexibility Team completed website audits for all schools last month. For a list of SGC website requirements, please review the SGC Website Audit Form.
**Strategic Planning (November)
Thank you for your dedication and hard work in completing your inaugural School Strategic Action Plans. As a friendly reminder, all Strategic Action Plans must be approved by a majority council vote and submitted by November 1, 2024.
Once submitted, please anticipate the following timeline:
- November: Zone Superintendents will review and provide feedback on the School Strategic Action Plans. Notifications regarding feedback or approval will be sent directly to principals, who will then share them with council members.
- Ongoing: Councils should develop a plan to share their Strategic Action Plans with the school community and communicate the school's goals and progress.
- Initial Monitoring: Councils should identify one or two key actions or tasks to prioritize for direct engagement throughout the school year. Additionally, please be prepared to provide initial progress updates on these selected areas.
We appreciate your continued commitment to the success of your school.
***Charter Dollars
This year, schools have received $46,391 in Charter Dollars to help meet their strategic goals through local innovative solutions. These funds should be used for non-personnel purchases such as supplies, registrations, communications, etc. When purchasing personnel, schools are advised to use other funding sources allowable for positions. If Charter Dollars are requested for personnel, the expenditure will require approval from the Zone Superintendent, SGC, and Executive Director of Governance and Strategy. Additionally, any materials purchased to support literacy instruction must align with GaDOE literacy requirements.
Each Charter Dollar expenditure requires an SGC vote for approval, the completion of the Charter Dollar Expenditure Form, and is subject to the same district guidelines that govern school cost center budgets. All Charter Dollars must be spent in the year they are received to support our current student population. We encourage SGCs to schedule discussions early in the year to plan for these expenditures, ensuring all purchases are made before end-of-year spending deadlines. See our Charter Dollar Matrix for examples of FCS-supported expenditures.
North Springs High School Governance Council
11/14/2024 | 4:30 pm | North Springs HS Media Center
SGC Members
Scott Hanson, Principal
Elected Parents: Shanna Ward, Jennifer Gorgoll, LaCretia Plane
Elected Teachers: Nicole Motahari + 1 TBD
Appointed School Employees: Betsey Martin, Gina Reiman
Appointed Community Members: Jenn Lott + Miriam Salpeter
Students: Jayden Austin, Phoenix Rivera
4:30 PM Call to Order (Chair)
4:32 PM Action Item: Approve Agenda (Chair)
Motion: Lott
Second: Motahari
Unanimous approval
4:33 PM Action Item: Approve October Minutes (Chair)
Motion: Motahari
Second: Lott
Unanimous approval
4:35 PM Discussion Item: Review SGC Website Audit Results* (Chair)
4:40 PM Discussion Item: Elected Teacher Spot (Hanson)
4:41 PM Informational Item: Superintendent Advisory Council Update (Ward)
4:42 PM Discussion Item: Strategic Planning** (Hanson)
5:04 PM Discussion Item: Charter Dollar Expenditure Update (All Members)
5:08 PM Discussion Item: Discussion regarding VAF submittal for the magnet program (All Members)
5:27 PM Action Item – Vote on the VAF submittal for the magnet program. (All Members)
NSHS magnet VAF will shift math and science magnet and the VPA magnet to a STEAM Academy and admin will proceed with the program certification process.
Motion: Motahari
Second: Reiman
Unanimous approval
5:35 PM Informational Item: Principal’s Update (Principal)
5:45 PM Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting’s Agenda (All Members)
6:16 PM Action Item: Meeting Adjournment (Chair)
Motion: Motahari
Second: Reiman
Unanimous approval
Meeting Norms: Silence Phones, Be Respectful of Others’ Opinions, Work for the good of all Students
Notes and Reminders
*SGC Website Audits
Each school year, the Governance & Flexibility Team periodically performs website audits to ensure all School Governance Councils throughout the district are in compliance with Georgia Open Records and Meetings laws. These audits require councils to post information related, but not limited to the following:
- Date, Time, Place/Access Instructions for all Meetings
- Council Documentation (Minutes, Agendas, Summaries of Action)
- Council Roster, Term-End Dates, FCS E-mail Addresses
- Officer and Committee Information
The Governance & Flexibility Team completed website audits for all schools last month. For a list of SGC website requirements, please review the SGC Website Audit Form.
**Strategic Planning (November)
Thank you for your dedication and hard work in completing your inaugural School Strategic Action Plans. As a friendly reminder, all Strategic Action Plans must be approved by a majority council vote and submitted by November 1, 2024.
Once submitted, please anticipate the following timeline:
- November: Zone Superintendents will review and provide feedback on the School Strategic Action Plans. Notifications regarding feedback or approval will be sent directly to principals, who will then share them with council members.
- Ongoing: Councils should develop a plan to share their Strategic Action Plans with the school community and communicate the school's goals and progress.
- Initial Monitoring: Councils should identify one or two key actions or tasks to prioritize for direct engagement throughout the school year. Additionally, please be prepared to provide initial progress updates on these selected areas.
We appreciate your continued commitment to the success of your school.
***Charter Dollars
This year, schools have received $46,391 in Charter Dollars to help meet their strategic goals through local innovative solutions. These funds should be used for non-personnel purchases such as supplies, registrations, communications, etc. When purchasing personnel, schools are advised to use other funding sources allowable for positions. If Charter Dollars are requested for personnel, the expenditure will require approval from the Zone Superintendent, SGC, and Executive Director of Governance and Strategy. Additionally, any materials purchased to support literacy instruction must align with GaDOE literacy requirements.
Each Charter Dollar expenditure requires an SGC vote for approval, the completion of the Charter Dollar Expenditure Form, and is subject to the same district guidelines that govern school cost center budgets. All Charter Dollars must be spent in the year they are received to support our current student population. We encourage SGCs to schedule discussions early in the year to plan for these expenditures, ensuring all purchases are made before end-of-year spending deadlines. See our Charter Dollar Matrix for examples of FCS-supported expenditures.
North Springs High School Governance Council
11/14/2024 | 4:30 pm | North Springs HS Media Center
SGC Members
Scott Hanson, Principal
Elected Parents: Shanna Ward, Jennifer Gorgoll, LaCretia Plane
Elected Teachers: Nicole Motahari + 1 TBD
Appointed School Employees: Betsey Martin, Gina Reiman
Appointed Community Members: Jenn Lott + Miriam Salpeter
Students: Jayden Austin, Phoenix Rivera
4:30 PM Call to Order (Chair)
4:32 PM Action Item: Approve Agenda (Chair)
Motion: Lott
Second: Motahari
Unanimous approval
4:33 PM Action Item: Approve October Minutes (Chair)
Motion: Motahari
Second: Lott
Unanimous approval
4:35 PM Discussion Item: Review SGC Website Audit Results* (Chair)
Audit went well. SGC member names were reported as missing but were indeed present so might have been oversight by auditors. SGC verified member names are on the website.
4:40 PM Discussion Item: Elected Teacher Spot (Hanson)
Monica Noble is new appointed teacher replacing former NS teacher George Smith for remainder of term.
4:41 PM Informational Item: Superintendent Advisory Council Update (Ward)
Ward will be attending SAC meetings.
4:42 PM Discussion Item: Strategic Planning** (Hanson)
A. Review Feedback – plan reviewed and submitted by November deadline, FCS board reviews in December and plan will take effect January 2025.
B. Monitor Progress – Parent Perception Surveys are out now for parents to take along with surveys for teachers and students. Surveys close November 22. Goal is 20% of parents and 90% teachers and students.
5:04 PM Discussion Item: Charter Dollar Expenditure Update (All Members)
Marketing and college/career bids submitted to bookkeeping and still being processed. Salpeter and Mayeske have been retained on a monthly basis for marketing needs until the full bid process is completed.
Recruitment of next year’s students has already begun with collateral materials, website updates, recruitment visits to schools by Landreau.
5:08 PM Discussion Item: Discussion regarding VAF submittal for the magnet program (All Members)
NSHS is approved to retain our magnet program going forward. School based magnet programs like our new STEAM Academy will include enhanced offerings from the former math/science magnet and the former VPA magnet. STEAM Academy needs to begin a three year certification process through the GA DOE.
NS feeder schools SSCMS and Spalding will begin STEAM certification process as well so the cluster will have continuity.
Accelerated Career Diploma program will have transportation provided.
5:27 PM Action Item – Vote on the VAF submittal for the magnet program. (All Members)
NSHS magnet VAF will shift math and science magnet and the VPA magnet to a STEAM Academy and admin will proceed with the program certification process.
Motion: Motahari
Second: Reiman
Unanimous approval
5:35 PM Informational Item: Principal’s Update (Principal)
MOU has been signed with Chattahoochee Tech for the new ACD at NS for North Fuliton students. Transportation will be provided from NS to CT. Transportation from students’ home schools to NS is still being finalized. CT will block off certain class enrollments to save spots for NS students.
NS enrollment goal is 1,200 for next year to include STEAM Academy and ACD.
Because ACD is a school based program, NS should earn another AP.
Admin is in discussions for next year’s staffing regarding number of counselors, number of APs, grad coach, paras etc to make sure students in STEAM Academy, ACD and regular NS students are serviced accordingly. Budget is still being finalized.
Number of students coming from NS attendance zone could increase athletics to 5A.
PBIS is still working well and as a PBIS operational school, ISS and OSS rates have decreased.
5:45 PM Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting’s Agenda (All Members)
Marketing update
Recruiting update
Updates regarding ACD
Updates regarding STEAM Academy
Update regarding graduation date and location
6:16 PM Action Item: Meeting Adjournment (Chair)
Motion: Motahari
Second: Reiman
Unanimous approval
Meeting Norms: Silence Phones, Be Respectful of Others’ Opinions, Work for the good of all Students
Notes and Reminders
*SGC Website Audits
Each school year, the Governance & Flexibility Team periodically performs website audits to ensure all School Governance Councils throughout the district are in compliance with Georgia Open Records and Meetings laws. These audits require councils to post information related, but not limited to the following:
- Date, Time, Place/Access Instructions for all Meetings
- Council Documentation (Minutes, Agendas, Summaries of Action)
- Council Roster, Term-End Dates, FCS E-mail Addresses
- Officer and Committee Information
The Governance & Flexibility Team completed website audits for all schools last month. For a list of SGC website requirements, please review the SGC Website Audit Form.
**Strategic Planning (November)
Thank you for your dedication and hard work in completing your inaugural School Strategic Action Plans. As a friendly reminder, all Strategic Action Plans must be approved by a majority council vote and submitted by November 1, 2024.
Once submitted, please anticipate the following timeline:
- November: Zone Superintendents will review and provide feedback on the School Strategic Action Plans. Notifications regarding feedback or approval will be sent directly to principals, who will then share them with council members.
- Ongoing: Councils should develop a plan to share their Strategic Action Plans with the school community and communicate the school's goals and progress.
- Initial Monitoring: Councils should identify one or two key actions or tasks to prioritize for direct engagement throughout the school year. Additionally, please be prepared to provide initial progress updates on these selected areas.
We appreciate your continued commitment to the success of your school.
***Charter Dollars
This year, schools have received $46,391 in Charter Dollars to help meet their strategic goals through local innovative solutions. These funds should be used for non-personnel purchases such as supplies, registrations, communications, etc. When purchasing personnel, schools are advised to use other funding sources allowable for positions. If Charter Dollars are requested for personnel, the expenditure will require approval from the Zone Superintendent, SGC, and Executive Director of Governance and Strategy. Additionally, any materials purchased to support literacy instruction must align with GaDOE literacy requirements.
Each Charter Dollar expenditure requires an SGC vote for approval, the completion of the Charter Dollar Expenditure Form, and is subject to the same district guidelines that govern school cost center budgets. All Charter Dollars must be spent in the year they are received to support our current student population. We encourage SGCs to schedule discussions early in the year to plan for these expenditures, ensuring all purchases are made before end-of-year spending deadlines. See our Charter Dollar Matrix for examples of FCS-supported expenditures.
December 2024
December Agenda
School: North Springs High School
Date: 12/12/2024
Time: 4:30PM
Location: Media Center
TEAMS Link (if applicable):
SGC Members:
Principal: Scott Hanson
Elected Parents: Jennifer Gorgoll, LaCretia Plane, Shanna Ward
Elected Teachers: Nicole Motahari + Monica Noble
Appointed School Employees: Gina Reiman, Betsey Martin
Appointed Community Members: Jenn Lott + Miriam Salpeter
Students: Jayden Austin, Phoenix Rivera
4:30PM Call to Order (Chair)
4:32PM Action Item: Approve Agenda (Chair)
4:35PM Action Item: Approve November Minutes (Chair)
4:37PM Discussion Item: Schedule Spring Committee Meetings* (All Members)
4:45PM Informational Item: Superintendent Advisory Council Update (Advisory Council Representative)
4:55PM Public Comment
5:05PM Discussion Item: Strategic Monitoring** (Principal)
5:20PM Informational Item: Principal’s Update (Principal)
5:45PM Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting’s Agenda (All Members)
6:00PM Action Item: Meeting Adjournment (Chair)
Meeting Norms: Silence Phones, Be Respectful of Others’ Opinions, Work for the good of all Students
Notes and Reminders
*Committee Meetings
Outreach & Communication Committees should plan to meet in January to start planning for the Spring Parent & Teacher Elections. Budget & Finance Committees should plan to meet in February to prepare for the council’s annual budget approval.
**Strategic Monitoring (December)
- December: Cabinet and Board of Education will be approving plans. School will receive notification when all plans have been approved.
- Ongoing: Councils should develop a plan to share their Strategic Action Plans with the school community and communicate the school's goals and progress.
- Initial Monitoring: Councils should identify one or two key actions or tasks to prioritize for direct engagement throughout the school year. Additionally, please be prepared to provide initial progress updates on these selected areas.
Thank you for your unwavering dedication to the success of your school.
***Charter Dollars
This year, schools have received $46,391 in Charter Dollars to help meet their strategic goals through local innovative solutions. These funds should be used for non-personnel purchases such as supplies, registrations, communications, etc. When purchasing personnel, schools are advised to use other funding sources allowable for positions. If Charter Dollars are requested for personnel, the expenditure will require approval from the Zone Superintendent, SGC, and Executive Director of Governance and Strategy. Additionally, any materials purchased to support literacy instruction must align with GaDOE literacy requirements.
Each Charter Dollar expenditure requires an SGC vote for approval, the completion of the Charter Dollar Expenditure Form, and is subject to the same district guidelines that govern school cost center budgets. All Charter Dollars must be spent in the year they are received to support our current student population. We encourage SGCs to schedule discussions early in the year to plan for these expenditures, ensuring all purchases are made before end-of-year spending deadlines. See our Charter Dollar Matrix for examples of FCS-supported expenditures.
Scott Hanson, Principal
Elected Parents: Shanna Ward, Jennifer Gorgoll, LaCretia Plane
Elected Teachers: Nicole Motahari + Monica Noble
Appointed School Employees: Betsey Martin, Gina Reiman
Appointed Community Members: Jenn Lott + Miriam Salpeter
Students: Jayden Austin, Phoenix Rivera
4:30 PM Call to Order (Chair)
4:32 PM Action Item: Approve Agenda (Chair)
Motion: Lott
Second: Reiman
Unanimous approval
4:33 PM Action Item: Approve November Minutes (Chair)
Motion: Lott
Second: Reiman
Unanimous approval
4:34 PM Discussion Item: Schedule Spring Committee Meetings* (All Members)
4:42 PM Informational Item: Superintendent Advisory Council Update (Advisory Council Representative)
4:46 PM Public Comment
4:49 PM Discussion Item: Strategic Monitoring** (Principal)
5:01PM Informational Item: Principal’s Update (Principal)
5:40PM Discussion Item: Draft Next Meeting’s Agenda (All Members)
5:48PM Action Item: Meeting Adjournment (Chair)
Motion: Martin
Second: Reiman
Unanimous approval